Click here for the 2025 “DUUF’s Diamond Anniversary: 75 Years of Love and Light” pledge drive. New members should also complete this form.
You can provide financial support for DUUF and its programs as follows (thank you!):
Online Giving
Click on the buttons below for online giving.
Text to Give
Text the amount and the keyword below to 940-236-2171.
Text “command” to receive a list of commands.
(Example: 50 duuf to donate $50 to the DUUF general fund)*
Keyword (Purpose)
- duuf (DUUF general fund)
- pledge25 (2025 pledge payments)
- sjfund (Social Justice fund)
- endowment (Endowment fund)
- second (Second Offering)
Send a check to 1111 Cordell Street, Denton, TX 76201. Please use the memo field to indicate the purpose of your donation.