Explorers: Faith Development for Children and Youth
Each week during our worship services, classes are offered for children in grades K – 5 and the nursery is available for infants 4 months to 4 years old. Parents, please arrive prior to the start of service to sign in your children at the Welcome Wagon located near the outside entrance to the sanctuary. We also have a middle school and high school youth groups on Wednesday evenings that offer opportunities for connection and learning.
Sunday Morning:
9:45 am Nursery Opens: Our nursery is open and staffed before the service for children three years of age and younger.
10:00 am Worship Begins: Children four years old and up attend the beginning of the service with their parents. 10-15 minutes into the service, children are escorted to their classes.
11:00 am Worship Ends: After service is over, parents pick up children at their classroom and/or nursery.
Middle School Youth Group
High School Youth Group