Online and In-Person Services at 10:00 a.m.


New to DUUF?

Welcome to the Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship webpage.  You may have found your way here by taking an online survey that suggested you might identify with Unitarian-Universalism, or perhaps a friend or family member sent you our way.  Whether you’ve visited our Facebook or Instagram accounts, participated in online or in-person worship or other programs, or just looked up information on the internet, we’re glad you’ve made it this far.  I hope you will take the next step to introduce yourself and let us know what brought you to this point.  We are a diverse, welcoming, loving group that has had a presence in Denton since 1948.

We meet for worship on Sundays at 10 am in person and on Youtube and Zoom. For more information about Sunday services, see the Worship page.

If you haven’t already filled out a visitor form, we invite you to do so now.   By providing basic contact information and some ideas about your interests, we can add you to the newsletter list and will have someone reach out and let you know more about relevant programs. Visitor Information Form

If you want to receive the newsletter only, here’s the link to sign up: Newsletter

If you’ve been attending services and have learned enough to think about becoming a member, please follow the link to our Invitation to Membership. Invitation to Membership

You can also watch some recent Sunday worship services to get a better idea of what kinds of ideas we explore and values we cherish. Listen to and watch previous services here.

If you haven’t already checked out the resources of our national association, we encourage you to visit the Unitarian Universalist Association and explore the history, theology, institutional structures, social justice initiatives, and values of Unitarian Universalism.

If you are interested in learning more about DUUF, please contact the welcome team at [email protected].