Online and In-Person Services at 10:00 a.m.

This Sunday, 10AM: “Trusting Identity in a Time of Fear”, with guest minister, Rev. Jonalu Johnstone

ONLINE Worship via Youtube and Zoom

We hope you’ll join us for Sunday service, coffee hour and weekly programming!

Ramadan ends on Sunday, and on the following Monday, we observe International Transgender Day of Visibility. Meanwhile, identities of various kinds, including Muslims and trans folk, are causing people to be challenged. Many of us are afraid for who we are. In these challenging times, how do we trust ourselves and one another so we can face and overcome the fears being provoked?

The Rev. Jonalu Johnstone (she/her) retired in 2021 after 28 years of ministry, and currently serves First Unitarian Church Oklahoma City part-time and works as a spiritual director on-line. Ordained in 1993, she is the author of Scripture Unbound: A Unitarian Universalist Approach  and has served congregations in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Madison, WI, as well as Growth Consultant for the Southwestern Conference of the UUA. Jonalu now resides in the Arbuckle Mountains of southern Oklahoma with her partner of 40 years, Jane Powell, a retired social worker and long-distance backpacker — when they are not on the road in their camper van.

Attend worship services in person at 1111 Cordell St., at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings.

(If you encounter difficulty on one platform, switch to the other platform!)

The Order of Service is available on Linktree:

Click here to access the Order of Service

Attend worship online on YouTube:
Click here to attend via YouTube.

Attend worship services on Zoom: 
Click here to attend via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 946 940 827
Passcode: D58crz
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(If you encounter difficulty on one platform, switch to the other platform!)

Attend online coffee hour after worship on Sundays on Zoom:
Click here to attend coffee hour.

Online Giving

Click here for information on online giving and text-to-give.

Worship Resources

Visitor Information Form
Zoom Tutorials

After the Service

ONLINE Coffee Hour
Please join us for fellowship time after the service via Zoom using the worship service link. This is an opportunity to meet as a large group for a few minutes and then you’ll have a chance to meet and greet in break out rooms with fewer people!

Explorers Classes 

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Our children’s classes and nursery are meeting inside. Please bring your child in through the fellowship hall door to sign them in with their masks on. Masks and social distancing are required.

Registration is now open for our Sunday Nursery and Explorers classes. Registration is open for children from infants up to up to grade 5. All children must register each program year. Register online at

Questions? Email [email protected]