Online and In-Person Services at 10:00 a.m.

TRUUTH Kickoff Party

Meeting Location: RE Hall

Full pasta bar provided with vegan options, mac & cheese, marina, and lots of toppings – Bring your favorite side dish or drink, and join the fun!


“We are DUUF’s young adult group, centered around mutual aid and supporting one another. We hope to spend our time and resources making connections with each other while building a strong support network both inside and outside our community. A key goal of TRUUTH is to create a welcoming space for young adult newcomers who visit our church, connecting them with other adults their age. TRUUTH defines young adult as anyone ages 18-30.

TRUUTH is not an acronym, but is instead a core value for our group – We at TRUUTH understand that in order to create a supportive community, we need to be a space where we can show up as our true selves, and be honest about who we are and what we need. Truth also means that we seek the truth, and we do not make assumptions or criticize others without first hearing their story.

Young adults often face the issue of being defined before we can define ourselves, leaving us feeling pressured to live up to (or break free from) the assumptions people make about us. Ideas of who Gen X/Millennials are, how we feel, or what we believe in is oftentimes assumed about us before we are given the opportunity to define it ourselves. To create a space where we can be truthful, authentic, and supported is what we aim to facilitate with TRUUTH.


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