Online and In-Person Services at 10:00 a.m.
a corridor of rainbow colors

New 2022 Covenant Groups Forming Now

Covenant groups are a significant part of UU spiritual practice. Covenant groups consist of 5 – 8 people who engage in spiritual exercises monthly and then meet to share their experiences with one another. The spiritual exercises will explore these themes in the coming months: Living with Intention, Widening the Circle, Renewing Faith, Awakening, Nurturing Beauty, and Celebrating Blessings.

Our upcoming covenant groups are facilitated and occur on Zoom starting in January. This last year, despite the pandemic, our group continued to meet & connect for the entire year because the members found that it was such a beneficial way to build relationships and keep in touch during these isolating and stressful times.

To let us know about your interest in joining a covenant group, please complete this form (link opens in a new window or tab). Looking forward to sharing this opportunity for spiritual growth with the Fellowship!

— Nancy Fire & Gerry Veeder, covenant group coordinators & co-facilitators

(Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash)